How Expensive will a DS sell for in the future
I have thought about this since the announcement of the EShop shutting down since you will no longer be able to legally get any of the EShop exclusive games on the DS So I'm curious what people think the prices of a DS with those exclusive games on them will go for in like 20 years since well my 3DS XL only has like the…
Should people start using a support rowlet in their teams
This is mostly just because I love Rowlet but I believe that Rowlet should be very commonly used is VGC teams since the round owl does have some very useful support moves plus is Objectively the best small bird
Should we have Proper Tournaments
One thing I have wanted since Pokémon Live was first released Is the abitlity to properly create an online tournament. Currently what people have to do is go onto Limitless TCG, join the tournament then friend their opponent to play the game and they have to be honest about the result too it would be so much easier to have…
Broken Timer
I've had something happen a couple times where my opponents timer continues to go down even 5 minutes after they should lose or pass the turn over me. I have lost multiple ranked matches due to this, has anyone else experience it or could this be someone using some sort of hack to give them unlimited time and lot allow you…
Card enlargement glitch
I have have a glitch occur many many times where I have had to concede because during the animation of playing or enlarging a card the whole screen gets filled with the card not allowing you to do anything. could this bug please be fixed it has been in the game since the beginning