Two mayor bugs that haven't been fixed
This 2 bugs are for me a reason to drop the game. 1.- A Pokemon that is in the bench overlay with no reason in the activate spot and I can do nothing because if I attach a tool or energy it would go to the pokemon that was originally in the active spot and I can't move it or attack with those pokemon. 2.- Turn skipping,…
Error 10097
Since today when I try to log in into the app in android it shows me error 10097, yesterday and before everything was great. Anyone knows what could be ?
Two suggestions
Hello, I would like to request for an expanded ranked ladder since I'm an expanded enjoyer and I feel very limited playing only standard to get rewards from the ladder. Also if is possible to save our personal settings on the card menu, I like to sort them from new expansion to old, but always when I return to the deck…