Hey @kabiTeo i have the Eelektross, but i only need the golem from the pikachu pack right now. Let me know if you have it for trade
Here you go 5397640946266927
Hey, I have the snorlax. I would trade it for the ditto
Great, here is my friend ID: 5397640946266927
Hey @MrNeedForSpeed, i do have the eevee and i need the exeggutor full art, but i only have 380 trande points right now :(. If i manage to get to 400 before you find someone i will message you
Looking for: Golem (Pikachu pack) Gengar, Pidgeot and Ditto (Mewtwo Pack) Can trade: Venusaur Butterfree Omastar Articuno Eelektross Alakazam Kabutops Nidoqueen Dragonite Snorlax Tauros