

  • I haven't been able to play either. Running 15" Macbook Pro mid-2012 2.3Ghz Quad-core i7 with Calalina (10.15.7), 16 Gb of RAM and a 1TB SS drive with plenty of space on it. I can start the game, get a ranked match started, but my entire macbook crashes and reboots before both players can complete the first round. I…
  • Same here but I'm playing MewTwo V-Union and only one of my opponents was Mew V. I just force quit the game instead of conceding, but it's still annoying. Seems like it's happening every time I have a great initial setup.
  • I haven't been able to play either. Running 15" Macbook Pro mid-2012 2.3Ghz Quad-core i7 with Calalina (10.15.7), 16 Gb of RAM and a 1TB SS drive with plenty of space on it. I can start the game, get a ranked match started, but my entire macbook crashes and reboots before both players can complete the first round. I…