I have been told the app cannot tell human sounds of partners, pets, fans, radios, etc and that lights on in the room also cause confusion. As for befriending, you just have to obtain somehow biscuits and feed the Pokemon to their max friendship level. I do not know how to convince new Pokemon or new sleep styles to appear.
I find the new functionality very confusing. How do you tell the game to start tracking a route? Why doesn't it tell you you are not at the beginning of that you need to reverse the route to travel it? How important is it to follow the creators meandering path? One route I tried and failed went strolling thru a grassy…
Why is Pokemon sleep support under pokemon tcg live?
My first was pokemon blue. I was getting my kids into pokemon the anime, the trading cards, so I bought a new Gameboy (antique now) and a copy of red and blue. I chose blue because I wanted to use it would eventually be able to learn surf.