I'll send ya a gardivoir #132 for a kangaskhan #203 my user is kw8
I can trade you a zapdos 3 diamond #103. Can I get your Golem 3d from genetic apex? My friend id: 3875667052942816 In game name: kw8
I have #40 arcanine in ENG. Do you have any of these 3 diamonds from Genetic Apex: Butterfree Vileplume Golem Muk Hypno Kangaskhan Flareon Omastar Magneton
LOOKING FOR: (3 diamonds) Butterfree Vileplume Golem Muk Hypno Kangaskhan Flareon Omastar Magneton Willing to trade anything I have as long as it's not a 150 Kanto that I only have one of. Let me know what cards you may want and we can work from there. My friend id: 3875667052942816