Fully agree
Same error on the Mac
Same error on iPad
Same for me, just lost 80 points. Cancel button disappears just like you say, but the match does not show and cancel button reappears. It used to happen in the past but now it happens very often. I looks like I am in the match but I don't know about it because the app is not loading the table for me.
Generally it would be great to add a ticking sound to the timer. There is sou much sound effects in the game, not all of them you really need, but the timer is something you dont want to miss. It happened to me few times that I was focused on the bottom of the screen and I just missed it.
Yes, same happens on the Mac version. 2 Spiritombs on the becnch and 1 on attack with energy and game freezes.
…and pokemons selected by nest ball do not appear on the bench ;) gone forever ;), also different cards got discarded with ultraball than I selected ;) this is actually quite funny, tragic but funny xD
Are you serious? Why?