

  • This bug comes and goes and who knows what fixes it. Patience I guess :(
    in PASS BUG Comment by in5ano February 2023
  • Yeah it comes and goes for me. Annoying.
  • There's no trading and there will be no trading, by design. The crafting system is replacing the trading experience for live. It's also the reason you can't own more than 4 of any one version of a card, as well as more than one of versions that aren't legal for play in multiples (Radiant Greninja, ACE-Specs etc.)
  • For your first point: In my first season playing I did play a few great ball/shauna decks, but nowadays I only play against arc dura, lost box, mew and lugia. very rarely (less than 10% of the time) I play something else, including like regis and eternatus or some form of control. I believe the whole experience is still…
  • There's no trading and there will be no trading, by design. The crafting system is replacing the trading experience for live. It's also the reason you can't own more than 4 of any one version of a card, as well as more than one of versions that aren't legal for play in multiples (Radiant Greninja, ACE Specs etc).
  • according to my records I think I lost about 30 matches with this bug today. luckily I had just hit arceus league last night and apparently you can't drop from 2660 rating when you hit that, but I found it weird that I had won and lost 10 points (went from 2680 to 2670).. and it turns out I had lost what I believe was 31…