I have a Celibi EX and would trade for the Exeggutor EX
@WukongSage I can trade my Aerodactyl 4D for your Exeggutor EX
@Vicflair I can do my Gengar EX for your Exeggutor EX Friend ID#: 7453-8144-9821-1246
I have Gengar EX #123 and would trade for Exeggutor EX or Articuno EX @Dylegend
Have Gengar #123 EX. Searching for a Exeggutor EX or Articuno EX @Protoa5
Looking for an Exeggutor EX or Articuno EX Have the following available for trade: 4 Diamond: Pikachu EX, Mewtwo EX, Gengar EX, Mew EX, Aerodactyl EX, Charizard EX 2 Star: Celebi EX, Gengar EX ID#: 7453-8144-9821-1246