I’m cyber i posted the trade for that regular venusaur card i have an extra one if you can cover both the pokemon i requested. Of course only if you want it
0612141345658988 name:cyber
I can give you hypno if you have magnetron from genetic apex
do you have magneton or raichu? from genetic apex
i’ll trade that for the magnetron or raichu
Does anyone have vaporeon #098, Raichu #095, Magneton #098, Pidgeot #188, #089 greninja, #127 jnyx, or Golem all from genetic apex? friend id: 0612141345658988 (Tell me your in game name and what you want in return thanks)
my name is cyber i added you
i have the venasaur if you have #098 manegton or #095 raichu
I have multiple eggecutor ex do you have genetic magenton or genetic raichu?