

  • I can understand it not being ready for the initial launch, especially with how rocky beta has been. Fixing bugs and ensuring there are properly working clients for all devices (iPad client with landscape mode and proper resolution please?) should be the priority. But yeah I think theme decks/tournaments or other fun…
  • Yes please! I was very excited for this game, I want to play it, but the fact that the sunsetting of PTCGO is now imminent and we STILL don’t have a proper iPad version with landscape mode and proper resolution, or any comment on whether we will be getting this eventually, is pretty concerning tbh. I know this beta has…
  • Seconding this. I play PTCGO exclusively on my iPad and was extremely disappointed to see the iPad version of Live appears to just be a scaled up phone version with no landscape mode. This is kind of a make or break issue for me, so I sincerely hope they address this. I have been playing PTCGO for years and not being able…