I have Butterfree, but why can't I trade with you? The button is greyed out.
I offered Raichu, why aren't you responding to the trade?
3 diamond Machamp, I only have 2. Can you trade if you only have 2? Add me in the game, my Friend ID 3092-4473-2027-1570
I have Moltres ex 047/226 from Genetic Apex, want to trade with Aerodactyl ex 046/068 from Mythical Island, do you have it?
Which card do you want? And what's your Friend ID? I'll add you in the game.
Sorry, I just traded and got Aerodactyl ex :( And given how scarce trade tokens are, I would rather not use them to trade for cards I already have.
Which card do you want?
I offered Gengar but trade declined. Which card do you want?
3 diamond Machamp, I only have 2. Can you trade if you only have 2? Add me in the game, my Friend ID 3092-4473-2027-1570 Also why is the forum often won't post my comment, I have to try repeatedly, is it because of new account?
I have 3 diamond Hypno, I want 3 diamond Blastoise.