

  • @TheJeffers I'm not going to be gaslit into thinking that the franchise has trained its current demographic to be anti-criticism. I've done it long enough to know how people (kids and "Pokémon adults") are quick to downplay criticisms in an effort to make people look irrational. That's why I had to say "Why are we okay…
  • @UnovanZorua you have to fool the censors, which unfortunately requires the use of dogwhistling to avoid the eyes of our corporate overlords
  • @TheJeffers the subreddit definitely censors criticism unless it's softball criticism. They don't like people deconstructing consumerism culture and its impacts on the series because that's "wrongthink"
  • @Jirarudan no I don't realize that because that's really bad design. There's no notification for it. That would be like if I made a comment on reddit or Twitter that mysteriously vanished as soon as I posted it despite my past comments were immediately posted upon submission. I don't think I've ever seen a forum site do…
  • @TheJeffers @Jirarudan this website is just NOT working for me. Is there like an invisible character limit?
  • @Jirarudan I don't care about other collectable monster series—this is about Pokémon. If anything, having them all be usable would further differentiate Pokémon from the rest. If you were to completely remove the ability of transferring anything, then you're almost playing Digimon at that point. The Pokémon are what makes…
  • @Jirarudan I tried to tag you but this website said "nah" because this website was co-developed by Game Freak
  • @TheJeffers this website is just NOT working right. Sometimes it just pretends to post something and just doesn't
  • @Jirarudan I don't care about other collectable monster series—this is about Pokémon. If anything, having them all be usable would further differentiate Pokémon from the rest. If you were to completely remove the ability of transferring anything, then you're almost playing Digimon at that point. The Pokémon are what makes…