[Pokémon TCG Live] Maintenance Notice

A hotfix is coming to Pokémon TCG Live tomorrow. The game will be taken offline while the hotfix is applied. Thank you for your patience during this time.

Date: 09/17
Time: 15:00 UTC ~ 23:00 UTC



  • I don't know...non of these solutions seem to work for me. I have two windows 10 PC's and it works fine on my side monitor PC, but on my main (the one I want to run the game on) I get language selection twice in a row, then a while screen with a white pokeball at bottom right of screen. And it never progresses further,…
  • I’m here because I bought a pokemon deck and wanted to use it on tcg online to practice. Game should run like hearthstone, magic arena, etc. and i was reach to queue for matches and learn my deck but….. Run on phone but phone get HOT iphone14. Something is wrong with that on the software developer side. That should be an…