

  • here are the lists I was referring to. I’ve since switched to a Kingdra EX deck and while I’ve had misplays while learning it, there are times where the match is predetermined based off the draw before round 2. Charizard / Dragonpult Pokémon: 18 1 Pidgey MEW 16 1 Pidgeot ex OBF 225 1 Charizard ex OBF 228 1 Fezandipiti ex…
  • the problem is that the RNG isn’t ever fined tuned. I can’t tell you how many times in the last month where a match wasn’t clearly predictable after turn two. I’ve been running a Gardevoir and a Charizard/Dragonpult deck and most matches result in poor draws that you can’t come back from. Both my decks have been built off…
  • @TechHog Ive been playing TCG for just over a year but playing with Gardevoir for a little over a month. I’ll admit I have learning to do for sure but I have a strong understanding of the deck after 240 matches played with it. I understand it’s a slow build and has its risks, but maybe instead of just saying that offer…
  • is there anything anyone is seeing in my deck list that could be a hindrance? I know Gardevoir has a few variations out there besides it is just crazy to have such a poor run over an extended period of time.
  • valid points. A follow up post from me must have shown uk after you typed this. Part of my frustration is going 5-21 over a two day stretch with the majority of losses coming down to bad luck and the extremely bad draws over a consistent run of matches. Losing is always a part of a game and taking away moments from it is…
  • it’s clear something is broken when you go 5-21 over two days. Thats a 23% win percentage. I definitely had a few misplays but not enough to total 21 losses. for reference, here is my deck list. Any help is appreciated because the game is becoming less and less fun by the minute Pokémon: 11 1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6 3 Ralts PAF…
  • It’s very frustrating because I won’t misplay often enough to go on a ten match losing streak to then only be able to win one because my opponent gets the better draw. I think my longest win streak is maybe 5-6 matches at best. Takes the fun out of it when you see your initial draw and know you most likely wont win after…
  • i have played about 200+ matches with it and have made adjustments to combat some decks. The issue currently is how I’ll get matches where the deck will brick and you can’t even play or the other person just gets every card needed to shut down a match. I’m currently on a run of losing 6 straight and it isn’t from the lack…