Hi!! I have a Genetic Apex Magneton (Spanish version) would like to trade it for a Genetic Apex Weezing if you have it!
A caterpie?? Sure, got u!!, if you have an island ponyta it would be fantastic, if not just trade it for any card you have
Hi!! I have a Butterfree (Spanish version) I want to trade it for a exxegutor #22, tell me if u interested and I'll add you!!
Hi! I have a Raichu #95 (Spanish version), if you interested I'm trading it for a exxegutor 3 diamonds #22 . I'll add you and offer the trade in game
Need a exxegutor 3 diamonds #22 Offer: Raichu, Butterfree, Blastoise (all 3 diamonds Spanish version). Thanks!