A thousand little owls seeing that their opponents are a bunch of giant pink hands about to bombard them with lasers of mass destruction. 🙄->😐️->😔->😤->😫->💀->💥->😇
Dachsbun: Well baked boy. Garganacl: I just think he's cool. Armarouge: Mega Man. Wattrel: Miniature Zaptos. Scovillain: I like spicy food. Revavroom: Drift. Tatsugiri: Is sushi. Clodsire: Perfection. Sandy Shocks: Punk Rock. Iron Bundle: Better Delibird. Baxcalibur: Godzilla Gholdengo: Spirit of capitalism. Chi-Yu: I…
Legendary Titans and Treasures of Ruin Themes, they just hit hard. 😎
Totem Porygon-Z