Hi, JinRiv! Sorry, I don't have any spare Aerodactyl ex. Can trade for Arcanine ex, Blastoise ex or Pikachu ex if you need them, all of them would be in spanish though. GL!
Hola! BUSCO: ⭐️ #231 Rapidash / #233 Gyarados / #238 Diglett / #241 Nidoking / #243 Weezing / #244 Dragonite / #246 Meowth / #071 Salandit (Isla Misteriosa) 🔶🔶🔶🔶#004 Venusaur ex CAMBIO POR: ⭐️#229 Pinsir / #232 Squirtle / #239 Cubone (español o inglés) / #240 Nidoqueen / #242 Golbat / #247 Ditto / #248 Eevee / #249 Porygon…
Hi! I would like to trade Charizard Ex (spanish) for a Venusaur Ex (#004 Genetic Apex). My friend ID is 2337-1989-8804-1168 (already sent you a friend request) In-game name: Mei