

  • slurpuff according the pokedex is used by pastry chiefs to help make deserts
  • It your trying to watch the movies along with the series as they came out so Ash's and his friends teams are the same then I advise looking at the dates of when the movie was released. Bulbapedia has a great list of episodes and their released date so you can compare the movie release to the episodes you are watching so you
  • It your trying to watch the movies along with the series as they came out so Ash's and his friends teams are the same then I advise looking at the dates of when the movie was released. Bulbapedia has a great list of episodes and their released date so you can compare the movie release to the episodes you are watching so…
  • For me its Treecko my first Pokemon. Great Grass type with a cool design that continues into its evolutions(including mega). Still the coolest grass starter line to date in my opinion. Also in my first Pokemon mystery Dungeon game (explorers of Darkness) I got it as my starter from the quiz at the beginning of these games…
  • I feel like the Pokemon Company is missing out on streaming a Sub version of the release. Many older fans only watch the sub so this means that theres a lot of people watching it the non-legal way.