Hi, i have #177 Weezing I need any of: Gyarados ◇◇◇ (078/226) Greninja ◇◇◇ (089/226) Venosaur ◇◇◇ (003/226) ID: 8727149613237088
Hi, I have Ditto ◇◇◇ (205/226) I need any of: Gyarados ◇◇◇ (078/226) Greninja ◇◇◇ (089/226) ID: 8727149613237088
Sorry, but I only have my 2 copies of each.
Hi, I'm looking for Wigglytuff Ex #195 Can trade for: Pikachu Ex Zapdos Ex Mewtwo Ex Friend ID: 8727149613237088
Hi Zac, I have the Charizard Ex, I need the Machamp Ex (ID: 8727149613237088)