

  • what I want to know is why this bug only effects some players and not others? All of the you tube streamers seem to be fine and PTCGL is working for them. So can someone from the development team explain why this bug is not affecting streamers?? My loss’s are increasing every time I try to load in and it crashes.
  • @JazzyUnicornGir If they are then they would have resolved the issue by now?? This version of the game has been around for a while now and the developers should know the programming inside out. Its a free game so why would they spend time and money to fix it?? They don’t care about the community they only care about money.
  • why are the streamers not having an issue with PTCGL sumo g that it only effects some players. This bug has been around for some time? Whe no are they going to fix it?
  • I have the same issue too. Good to see they sorted out the bugs!!