There can’t be a report button at the moment, because people would report players who are experiencing the desync issue where the game just locks up for whatever reason. There are too many bugs that either player doesn’t have control over, and people would get misreported Muting is totally a thing that should be in the…
Try resetting your system clock
It’s been a bug for basically the entirety of the game I just make my outfits match the color that the glasses always change to. Smarter, not harder
You gotta go way higher up the ladder for this kind of request, the people making Live aren’t the ones making the rules for other formats. They’re just programming what TPCi tells them the game is
@SneakySqu1d No it’s not 😂 You can keep thinking what you want though, have fun
There’s no way to spend any real money in this app, and that’s very unlikely to change without huge rebalancing to the entire game
- There you go!
To everyone wondering about the cards that are showing up as invalid, it’s because of rotation. They made an announcement months ago that Live will do rotation on March 31st to give people time to practice the new set before rotation happens for IRL events on April 14th For those who don’t know, more or less once a year…
”I hope to hear a response from the developers on this issue as soon as possible” You’ve been here long enough, you know they’re not going to say anything 😂
Can guarantee your Raikou had Special Energy attached. Duraludon can’t be hurt by Pokémon with Special Energy