@Anto_C82 sorry i dont have any starmie ex, do u need any other ex card?
I have one for you, i just need a Aerodactyl Ex in exchange if u have! ID : 8283 3534 5240 0267
Do you have a Aerodactyl EX to exchange?
Hi @TtwoGO, i have one gengar ex for you, do you have a Aerodactyl ex for me? ID : 8283 3534 5240 0267
@Anto_C82 sorry bro, i have any starmie ex, do u need any other ex card?
@TtwoGO do u have a Aerodactyl ex? i have a gengar ex for u ID : 8283 3534 5240 0267
@Momu06 do you have a Aerodactyl EX, i have a venisaur ex in exchange for you. 8283353452400267
Hello guys, i'm looking for a Aerodactyl EX #46. Tell me what u need in exchange ! My friend ID : 8283 3534 5240 0267 8283353452400267