

  • Add me. I'm in Master Rank. Friend Code: EG3567Q in Unite
  • I would like Steelix to be a selectable character in the game, as a defender. =) <3
  • Just get the cards that boost the amount of coins you earn. There should be some options for 3 days or 7days.
  • I'm a Master Rank Player, and main Dragonite / Blasty / Gardevoir. Feel free to play with me. I am an aggressive competitor. I just hate when ppl say they don't suck, and when the game is being played with them, they don't help out with anything and just walk around the map, avoiding team fights, etc. I'm usually ALWAYS…
    in Friends Comment by GetGudBum March 1
  • Unfortunately, we live in a society of human beings who don't have a caring or loving heart. I swear, if someone was drowning right in front of them, they'd take out their phones and record it, instead of help save their life. So, when after all the raging I've done in this game because my teammates won't help, no longer…
  • You can join!
  • You can report EVERYBODY. When you finish a game, click on battle review or whatever its called at the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, you can click on their username, then select report. I reported a player for being AFK on purpose at the end of the game and UNITE actually "punished them." I got a report success…
  • So I pretty much spent $600 for nothing...
  • I've spent about $600 thus far on this game, and i regret it. My friend made me think the key to winning was your team and having all your items at level 30... What she failed to mention is, you're bound and forced to play with people (kids) that don't know what is or refuse to play as a team. She also didn't mention the…
  • Oh dude, I was an Ultra 5, shot to 1, and BOOM! got knocked right back down to 5. Why you ask? Because of terrible randoms. Secondly, since the new season arrived, my rank dropped again, and I haven't been able to get past Veteran 4. The game FORCES ME to play against 3-5 stack teams and I STILL CONTINUE TO GET CRAPPY…