I just got a pikachu and gyarados from trade for wigglytuff and mewtwo. So if you have something else I can still trade for my machamp
Due to recent trade I dont need pikachu or gyarados anymore. But machamp is still available.
@Florospe charizard for mewtwo 6410-8872-0663-1213 @Bwebz 6410-8872-0663-1213 I can do articuno for pikachu and wiggly for gyarados
Hello Looking For 4D Exeggutor EX, Charizard EX, Gengar EX, Aerodactyl EX. Offerings: Venusaur EX x1, Articuno EX x1, Mewtwo EX x1, Machamp EX x1, Marowak EX x1, Mew EX x1, Pidgeot EX x1 and Celebi EX x1. Thanks! Edited after trade.