The last theoretical turning point would be now considering ptcgo just got sunset and tpci might focus more on ptcgl, especially because it’s launching.
Mostly agreeing with techohog here. Usually you shouldn’t buy the 1800 crystal pass because you can just play to get those tiers later but in this case the pass will expire soon. There are 26 packs from tier 1 to 15. This makes it so you are effectively paying 70 crystals for each pack which is good value compared to the…
bro using the pedantic language
Well you get the gardevoir deck which is really good if you don’t already have it. Also the first few tiers have a considerable amount of packs which you could get in these last few days. Just make sure you have enough crystals for the next pass too
Go to the expanded deck builder and in the filters where it shows format choose all instead of expanded.
Just me or it broke again?
Great how thorough the survey questions were with all topics. Hope the devs will actually be inspired to make the substantial changes in the coming weeks and I hope they read the open ended questions.