I have Kabutops. I want the Ditto :)
Deal. 3567 - 5060 - 9942 - 0787 Add me!!
@Drão1412 Do you have Vaporeon - 80??
@Drão1412 I give you Kangas for Vaporeon - 80 or any of this list 55 - Blastoise 78 - Gyarados 80 - Vaporeon 89 - Greninja 109 - Eelektross 122 - Gengar 185 - Dragonite 205 - Ditto
I need Vaporeon - 80!!! Really interested! 3567 - 5060 - 9942 - 0787
@Adrián_17 I give you Exeggutor - 22 for Vaporeon - 80
@Bigio96 add me 3567 - 5060 - 9942 - 0787
I have Melmetal 3567 - 5060 - 9942 - 0787
Hey, I am also interested in Ditto! :) I give you arcanine
ID: 3567 - 5060 - 9942 - 0787 I am looking for the next cards: 55 - Blastoise 78 - Gyarados 80 - Vaporeon 89 - Greninja 109 - Eelektross 122 - Gengar 185 - Dragonite 195 - Wigglytuff ex 205 - Ditto Singular Island - 59 - Pidgeot ex