

  • @clasingla there's 0 chance that's the case, there's never any bug this severe that needs to be reasearched that long to see what's wrong. I mean unless you have the most incompetent software engineers on the planet, which could very well be the case. The more severe the bug, the more evident the issues. It's clearly a…
  • yup can confirm I tried it on my phone with mobile data and it works, slowly but its at least playable, as soon as I try on the wi-fi, get a big fat nope
  • Imagine the bug lasts for 69 days until they do the update for the next battle pass, hahahaha that'd be hilarious. This is the first live service I've ever seen with a game-breaking bug that lasts for more than 24 hours. I like how is says 'some' players…is this not everyone? What's the critheria. i'm not even interested…
  • I like how people are talking about another 6 days of this not being fixed so a total of almost 10 days, like that's normal for any live service, like that's not peak incompetence, like that's not peak carelessness. I don't know bro, some of us are paying customers if I'm paying 200 USD on your funky cardboard creature…