Hey i have Arcanine Ex, do u have Gengar Ex or Moltres Ex for trade? Have added you, Dygod
Hey i have Arcanine Ex, i would like to trade for your gengar Ex, my ID is 5294-1435-4009-1807 Dygod, have added u
Hi i have articuno and zapdos Ex, do you have gengar and moltres ex?
Hey man sorry i only have one arcanine
I can trade articuno Ex for ur moltres Ex!
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104