My pull rates for these have been even worse than genetic apex lol. Tons of common multiples before getting any sort of ex or full art. Still, it's good to be getting new cards again :)
I only have 82 hourglass saved right now, so by the time I log in tomorrow I should have enough to open 7 packs. Then with the hourglasses they are giving you for the event that should get me up to 10 packs. Looking forward to seeing the new cards!
Yeah I can see Mew ex and Aerodactyl ex getting a loooot of play, they look pretty good. I would like to have seen more new pokemon introduced rather than variant cards of Pokemon that are already in the game, but meh maybe that's just me being overly critical at first glance. That Vaporeon full art is beautiful though.
No sadly I don't think so. The good news though is a lot of people got a lot of extra multiples from the event, so when trading comes along in January you should hopefully be able to trade for some quite easily if these cards are included. I myself got like 8 of each card from this event.
Hopefully we will be able to as I ended up with like 12 Mankeys and Clefairys and about 8 Pikachus and Butterfrees I would happily trade to those who missed out.
I haven't been able to post anything lately. I type it out, hit post comment, and nothing... Edit - Think it's fixed now.
I'm resigned to never pulling a god pack. That sort of luck never happens for me 😂
I was lucky enough to pull the full emersive Mewtwo card too. Such a cool card. My favourites that I pulled though are the Dragonite full art and the Rapidash full art cards. The artwork on those two are beautiful.