DoubleCure ✭✭✭


  • @puplover1118 But Sharabha lion god can create and destroy universes since he is the lion form of Shiva, an universe is just a part of him... i'm just saying there are very op lions out there. Most if not all Pokémon wouldn't even last a secound... not to mention if he decides to destroy Pokémon multiverse they all gone…
  • For great players like me it's the opposite, I got more then 800k credits and already got all the full arts and golden cards I want. Also reached the 400 redeem limit so nothing intetesting to do until the next set comes. The game itself it's worthless to me now, nothing where I want to spend it. All I do it's play couple…
  • @The-AniX-Theory but then where is the original Ash that Ditto transformed from? Wouldn't someone find the original Ash and confront both of them?
  • If you really mean every lion... all it takes it's a single egyptian Maahes lion god, since it's an "immortal" one would be enough to destroy every mortal being, now imagine what a billion lion gods could do... add some more lion gods like the african Apedemak lion god, indian Narasimha lion god, etc.
  • They only have Standard mode simply because they don't have enough/good resources allocated to this game to implement all the features they want. On top of the bad programing, the poor decision making ended up resulting in a game that it's far from be ready to release... with a large amount of critical bugs and lack of…
  • You have to explain better your question... There are many game formats/modes, events, age categories, online/rl, etc... so you mean team for what exactly? And how come you think this forum is new? It exists for more then a year.
  • That's not just a dot. If you follow the anime you would know that in the middle of the Poké Ball, there is a small silver button which can be pushed to release or call back a Pokémon. Also the Poké Ball is designed to be portable, so when the Poké Ball is palm sized and when the silver button is pushed, it will grow to…
  • Yes, it's not a bug... that deck uses Charizard (from Pokemon GO set) with the Burn Brightly ability that reads "each basic fire Energy attached to your Pokémon provides 2x fire Energy. You can't apply more than 1 Burn Brightly Ability at a time.", so if they had that Pokémon in the bench as they should thats why you saw…
  • It's not a bug... like said multiple times in this forum Forest Seal Stone it's not a Pokémon ability.
  • It's not a bug... like said multiple times in this forum Forest Seal Stone it's not a Pokémon ability.