

  • There's two separate queues for PVP that you can choose from, one labeled "beginner" and another labeled "experienced". However as far as anyone can tell, there is no functional difference between the two, nothing stopping a high level player with all the rarest and strongest cards from playing in the "beginner" queue. In…
  • Bit of an update to my findings: Earlier today I found a Cloyster so my deck's a little better now, and I tried some more PVP All of this is still on """Beginner mode""", mind you. I've now done a total of 20 duels, and 16 of those opponents were decked out with all the rarest and strongest cards. One opponent I couldn't…
  • Just to be clear, I appreciate when a mobile game respects my time and doesn't try to become my part time job in order to make progress. But this game in its current state kinda goes too far in the opposite direction. There's just not much TO the game right now. He doesn't me a few hours per day, he means a few hours…