

  • @Garabedian772 No, you can use purple crystals to purchase way more than 151 boosters. Have you even tried to click the stuff on screen? It even give you visual clue by popping up as hint that you can click it. You somehow made it to the expansions tab in the shop after all, since you are talking about 151 packs Just give…
  • You play the game, complete daily quests, gain experience to climb the battle pass tiers and unlock rewards, collect them, open boosters, get extra cards converted to credits, spend crystals on bundles or more boosters, and so on. It's long, tedious process with only possible shortcut being to purchase the physical product…
  • I'm not sure what else does it appears to you, but It's exactly what it suggest to be. A visual guide on how many cards from that specific expansion you've already collected. When you collect every card from that expansion, the bar will be completely filled blue. I'm more curious about the less obvious one, and that is the…
  • Why would anyone hate this card? 🤔 You don't see that card very often since it's not legal to play in standard format. 😀
  • *Ive read about many players did complete...
  • @Mewnfair There is no monetization in PTCGL, and IMO it's better this way, rather than having pay to win system where you could buy mountain-pile of booster packs or bundles to gain advantage if you have money for it. You can redeem codes from PTCG products can purchase in stores, and obtain items in-game, otherwise the…
  • @halem111 are they thinking about expanded? AFAIK they do. Although there is not estimation on when they will "expand" the expanded. I'm more curious about unlimited. That would be lot of data to add in-game though. are they thinking how to ease the transition for newer players into the online play where a lot of people…
  • @TechHog In comparison to what? They are not strong deck in comparison to ranked meta, or they are not strong even against starter deck? Because they seemed to have good advantage against what I was playing, and the matches were rather frustrating. Sometimes I couldn't knock out single Pokémon card, because they knew the…
  • I got curious and decided to try ranked mode. While I never had high expectations for climbing the ladder since I have only starter decks and one battle deck for 600 crystals, it was far worse than what I've expected. It took me almost twenty matches played in order to win five of them and climb from togepi rank to cleffa.…
  • Honestly, I would rather have slightly more crystals but no credits from battle pass and ranked mode, and instead have at least half of the card cost rather than current one quarter when converting extra cards to credits. That way you can get more booster packs for crystals, and in case you don't get the card you need, it…