clasingla ✭✭✭✭✭

Chapter 1 - A Naive Awakaning Chapter 2 - Mirage's Plan Chapter 3 - Welcome To Breeze town Chapter 4 - Team Hopefinders Chapter 5 - Into Bright Grove Chapter 6 - Cherubi's Revenge Chapter 6.5 - Growlithe Decision Chapter 7 - It Was Pecharunt?! Chapter 8 - False Accusations Chapter 9 - A Tropical Encounter Chapter 9.5 - The Lake Trio Meeting Chapter 10 - Through Memory Lake Chapter 11- Uxie's Final Direction Chapter 12 - Whole Hearted Memories Chapter 13 - The Broken World Chapter 14 - The Final Breeze Chapter 15 - Where There Is Hope And Heartbreak


  • clasingla

    Chapter 1 - A Naive Awakaning

    Chapter 2 - Mirage's Plan

    Chapter 3 - Welcome To Breeze town

    Chapter 4 - Team Hopefinders

    Chapter 5 - Into Bright Grove

    Chapter 6 - Cherubi's Revenge

    Chapter 6.5 - Growlithe Decision

    Chapter 7 - It Was Pecharunt?!

    Chapter 8 - False Accusations

    Chapter 9 - A Tropical Encounter

    Chapter 9.5 - The Lake Trio Meeting

    Chapter 10 - Through Memory Lake

    Chapter 11- Uxie's Final Direction

    Chapter 12 - Whole Hearted Memories

    Chapter 13 - The Broken World

    Chapter 14 - The Final Breeze

    Chapter 15 - Where There Is Hope And Heartbreak

  • Meowy11111

    I’m sorry, I haven’t had time to work on Forums Episode 12 >.<

    I will try to finish it in evening hours.

    December 5
    • clasingla

      it’s completely fine sometimes for me it’s hard to set aside time to write my mystery dungeon leading to spacing that is more than a month

  • clasingla

    mystery dungeon story part 13 in the works, been over a month and I want to have it done before next week im pretty excited of what i am going to add to this chapter that might or might not connect to mystery dungeon story 2 again it is still being worked on so it might be a few days before i actually finish it

    December 2
  • Meowy11111

    hi ✨

    November 21
  • Meowy11111

    I faced off someone with mewdevoir ex and it was SO OP!!! have any tips to counter? Also thx for the knowledge :)

    November 9
    • clasingla

      probably use a dark type deck I feel like for the most part those are hard to deal with

    • Meowy11111

      thanks <3

  • MajorBrendan

    I'm excited for Halloween, How about you?

    October 30
    • clasingla

      yeah I'm pretty excited for it too.