I also need all three Eevees from A1 in Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean to complete the set.
I can give you a full set of Magneton if you have Machamp, Flareon, Muk, or Kangaskhan from A1.
A system similar to PTCGO used to have, or the GTS for the video games would be great, someone could offer a card for another card with the same rarity, and someone who has the wanted card could see the trade and finish it. I also suggest allowing more trades at once for players, 3 for normal users, and 5 for premium users.
Marnie’s Morpeko will be in the set after Journey Together, or it will be in its own deck like in Japan.
VocalCU drew Relicanth and played it to the Bench. This would be how they did it
I would start by going to your local game store and seeing when they have events, then I'm sure the staff will be glad to help you with a deck, I recommend getting into either Dragapult ex or Gardevoir ex, since they'll be the top-tiers in the next format and are already good now. There are also several PTCG streamers on…
Not a bug, switching a Pokémon onto the bench removes all effects on it that would only apply if it were in the active, this includes not being able to attack.