Mod_Bee mod


  • Hi @Jaja333. We understand your concerns with the game freezing. Our support team can take a closer look and further assist. Can you please submit a ticket to them? To do that, please go to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thank you!
  • Hi @rafaelwheels. Thank you for reporting this issue. It sounds like you're encountering a recurring problem where the game screen goes blurry and shows an unreadable text box. Since the issue persists, can you escalate this further to our Support team? We recommend visiting Once there, click on the…
  • Hi @Enimaspits, thanks for letting us know about the issues you're experiencing. Our support team can investigate further and provide assistance. Please submit a ticket by visiting, selecting the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and clicking "Contact Us". Thanks again!
  • Hello @Afelix333! If you’re still having trouble with codes, reaching out to support will help get it sorted out. To do that, please go to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thanks!
  • Hi @Jb2129. Thanks for bringing this to our attention regarding what you're noticing/encountering when playing. Our support team can take a closer look into these, can you please submit a ticket over to them? To reach support, please go to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit…
  • Hi @Pete_The_Dragon. We understand your concerns with dealing with game freezes, especially in ranked matches—it’s definitely a frustrating experience. Can you report this to support team so they can gather details and further help? To do that, please go to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live…
  • Hi @Phyrexboy! We understand you’re having trouble with the game crashing on mobile—it definitely sounds frustrating, especially right before you're about to win! We recommend submitting a ticket to the support team so they can investigate the issue further. They can get things running smoothly for you soon! Please head…
  • Oh no, sounds frustrating! Are you still having trouble reinstalling the game? If yes, our support team would be happy to assist you with this. Please submit a ticket by visiting, then click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and select "Contact Us." Don’t forget to include all the necessary…
  • Hi Trainers, we understand you're having trouble logging in across your devices. Our support team is ready to help! Could you please submit a ticket for assistance? Just head over to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then select "Contact Us." Thank you!
  • Hey there, @Thorgrin! I see you have a concern regarding Boss Order. We have a dedicated team that can provide assistance for these types of inquiries. Can you please submit a ticket over to them for help? You can do so by going to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact…