Original Color Magearna maybe
These were all great choices. Glad to see that these story archs are favorites. Had to choose Lusamine though because I really liked both of her arcs and I played all the Sun, Moon, and Ultra games.😅
I really like that there adding a charging port at the top. Switch 1 made it impossible to charge it and use the stand.
Mine would be Ghost. I also really like Steel.
Kalos, Alola, and Sinnoh
Fuecoco for me. Its first form is cute and its last form is awesome
My favorites are Rabsca, Galarian Slowbro, Musharna, Reuniclus, Beheeyem, Starmie, Hoopa Unbound, Lunala, Solgaleo, and Necrozma. They are not in order, just my favorites.
@UnovanZorua I like the idea. It will help align everyone with what the characters are.
Favorite: Fuecoco: Its last for is awesome Least: Quaxly: Its first form is fine but the rest I was not a big fan of.
Great Job!!