@Bigio96 Incredible! I'm about to add you.
Hello, I need a Kabutops. Have any to change?
Hi, Nickname: Drao ID: 8593379200533987 Looking for a Kangaskhan (#203) of Genetic Apex. Anyone down to trade? I have a good selection of three diamonds. Card Language: Portuguese BR (Any language accepted)
@Bigio96 I can trade the three diamonds Blastoise you need for a Kabutops. Does that sound like a good deal to you? If so send me your player id.
Can trade for a Kabutops? @Yandalar
Need a Kabutops three diamonds. Let's talk and arrange a trade.
Hi, I'm looking for Kabutops. I can offer you the regular Arcanine or Ditto. @TtwoGO
Hi :) I'm happy to trade a Vileplume for a Kabutops, if you have any to spare. @Dadpool1312