L_LostWord ✭✭✭

I am secretly a Kyurem in disguise. She/her with an overt obsession for Pokémon Black & White, though my favorite Pokémon is Gardevoir.


  • SolivagantFox

    A fellow Touhou fan I see

  • Pokémon342548

    Hi, @L_LostWord.

    The discussion of "WHAT are the developers doing????" by @schiesse has been closed for the following reason: That discussion has too many users that are arguing each other. It has been closed to help maintaining a friendly forum.

    Do you have any questions? If you do, you can reply to this message.



    25. February
    • Pokémon342548

      Before that discussion was closed, I talked to @Mod_Ember so that he/she can help us. Eventually, he/she, another moderator or an administrator closed that discussion for the reason above.

    • L_LostWord

      Thank you for letting me know!

    • Pokémon342548

      P/s. How bold you (@L_LostWord) are! But it looks like that you "went far away". (I mean that you accused other members too much. That's why I told you to calm down.)

    • L_LostWord

      Oh. Ok!

  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 25 LOLs badge.
    You received 25 LOLs. You're posting some good content. Great!
    25. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord war promoted to Level 3.
    21. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 5 LOLs badge.
    You received 5 LOLs. We like that.
    19. February

    How do you change what it says on your profile. (I mean right under your name on your profile( Yours is you are a kyurem in disguise)).

    17. February
    • Pokémon342548

      To do this, you can go to your profile and type something, then post it. Next time, if you go to your profile again, you will see what you said before.

  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 25 Likes badge.
    You received 25 Likes. You're posting some good content. Great!
    17. February
  • Pokémon342548

    I see what you want to do, but don't "bite" the newbies! You aren't being "bitten" as you are a newbie, too!

    16. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 100 Comments badge.
    Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades.
    15. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 5 Agrees badge.
    You received 5 Agrees. We like that.
    13. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord war promoted to Level 2.
    13. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 5 Likes badge.
    You received 5 Likes. We like that.
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord changed ihr profile picture.
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the Combo Breaker badge.
    Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the Name Dropper badge.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the First Answer badge.
    Answering questions is a great way to show your support for a community!
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    12. February
  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    12. February
  • L_LostWord

    I am secretly a Kyurem in disguise.

    She/her with an overt obsession for Pokémon Black & White, though my favorite Pokémon is Gardevoir.

    12. February