MajorBrendan ✭✭✭✭
@MajorBrendan I wish I could go back on DeviantArt again, but my mum restricted it for me and currently doesn't give me trust to do so. :(
Anyways, besides that, there's this second new trailer of Pokemon Legends: Z-A game! :O I haven't watched it yet but I saw it looked really good. Lucario himself, especially! :D ^^
03. March-
@MajorBrendan Yep! I look forward to getting a trip to Lumiose City again…and eat croissants with Pokemon and humans at a cafe there, too! ^ o ^
There's just one catch for the Pokemon Company, Best not to limit the Pokemon choice of food to just Pokemon Food and berries.
Pokemon day is here and it's time for mass outbreak. How many shinies do you think I'll catch?
028. February -
Iv'e been meaning too ask you this for a long time. What is your most valuable shiny (In your opinion(The one that is the most special to you)). Mine is probably my shiny Blastoise in violet, and my shiny Hisuian avalugg and samurott in pla.
017. February -
@MajorBrendan Hey friend, it's me again. Just wanted to say hello and how you're doing. :) I'll always try to make sure we get in touch on occasion.
09. February-
From cyberbullies to people force me to be more realistic into giving up on Media production, I'm the one who worked harder than most.
Final count for the SV Mass outbreak. 6 Starly, 4 Fletchling, 4 Pikipek.
010. February -
Yesterday's Ralt's Community Day was fruitful. 11 total. 7 males and 4 females.
026. January -
Final Count: 11 Shiny Flamigo. 5 couples male and female with one solo female.
019. January -
@MajorBrendan Hi again, friend. My day isn't very good now… People on DeviantArt, and my mother, were telling me off harshly because I had feelings and desires for something I wished for a long time, and one of my deviant friends haven't even texted me again nor gave me an art request I mentioned them even months ago. :( I feel bad now…
017. January-
my word of advice. If there is a dream that is worth going after. You should go achieve it.